Monday, January 08, 2007


Weekend is over... the first full work week in awhile about to begin.

Luke came to spend the night this weekend. As I met his mom in the parking lot of a local market to pick Luke up, he tumbled out of the van talking excitedly all the way. I started loading his bags in the car, and he said, "Gran! Gran!" In the dim lights of the parking lot, I looked down at his 5-yr-old stance, to see him holding out a small teddy bear. He said, "It's for Carson!" "Carson?" I mumbled to myself and looked up at his mom for explanation. As she began, it hit me what Luke was trying to say. "Carter?" I asked, and Luke nodded. Carter is my 6 month old great-nephew on my husband's side of the family.

I don't know if Luke was remembering seeing the pictures of Carter at Christmas, or if his mom, Michelle, had done some talking with him about sharing toys or something. But it was a Kodak memory moment for me looking down into Luke's smiling, excited face.

P.S. Later that night at my house, when Luke "played" the teddy bear audio for me, the cat was intrigued with this ball of voice. Luke giggled, but reminded Springfield that the bear was for Carter.

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