Monday, January 08, 2007


Bob and I acquired a cat about 3 1/2 months ago. Neither of us had ever had a cat. I grew up with having dogs around. Bob never had any pets. We still shake our heads and wonder how we got to this place.

I remember hearing my mom especially talk about "those d!*! cats" people around us might have. And I remember my parents and grandparents didn't like cats leaning in on their ankles and meowing when we were around them. Now I love that!

I can remember when Bob first brought this cat home, Springfield had tar matted on some of his fur and in his ears, and he had big ears compared to the rest of his body. I felt bad for this little ball of fur that appeared to be scared to death, but I had no sudden love for this cat.

We have had moments where we would have gotten rid of Springfield in a heartbeat. He has zoomed around knocking things over like a wild cat. He has crashed lamps to the floor. He has rearranged Bob's village pieces in the bookcase. That is a No-No! He has knocked the planter over scattering dirt all over the new carpet.

But somewhere along the line, we have grown to love this cat. He is funny and sweet and loving and smart and also mean as can be sometimes. He has scratched me repeatedly until I bleed, I suspect I am allergic to him as I sneeze like crazy in the mornings and at night, I have had to learn to clean his poop out of his litter box, and yet, I love this cat. Bob and I look forward to coming home and seeing Springfield. Bob is less patient than I am with him, but they also have great bonding sessions, where Springfield lies on Bob's chest and lets Bob rub him down until they both fall asleep. Springfield and I usually share the early morning shift. He cries like a baby about 6 every morning and scratches on the bathroom door until I go get him out. He then jumps up on my lap and eats from my hands. While he's never slept in my arms, he will sleep at my feet when I take a nap.

Springfield has added a new dimension to the relationship between Bob and me. He is something we share. In loving him, we love each other more. Springfield has only been to the vet once so far. Bob and I took him together. I don't know how I would have done it alone. It was nice having Bob there as our "child" was examined.

It's kinda like being a mother to a baby or young child again. We enjoy watching Springfield sleep, and eat, and play on his own and play "peep-pie" with us. He responds when I call him "my kitty" in my kitty voice (which Bob HATES).

Animals aren't so different from people after all. Creatures of all kinds flourish when they are loved.


Weekend is over... the first full work week in awhile about to begin.

Luke came to spend the night this weekend. As I met his mom in the parking lot of a local market to pick Luke up, he tumbled out of the van talking excitedly all the way. I started loading his bags in the car, and he said, "Gran! Gran!" In the dim lights of the parking lot, I looked down at his 5-yr-old stance, to see him holding out a small teddy bear. He said, "It's for Carson!" "Carson?" I mumbled to myself and looked up at his mom for explanation. As she began, it hit me what Luke was trying to say. "Carter?" I asked, and Luke nodded. Carter is my 6 month old great-nephew on my husband's side of the family.

I don't know if Luke was remembering seeing the pictures of Carter at Christmas, or if his mom, Michelle, had done some talking with him about sharing toys or something. But it was a Kodak memory moment for me looking down into Luke's smiling, excited face.

P.S. Later that night at my house, when Luke "played" the teddy bear audio for me, the cat was intrigued with this ball of voice. Luke giggled, but reminded Springfield that the bear was for Carter.

Monday, January 01, 2007

It's 2007

Time - the early hours of 2007. I decided to start the year blogging. Bob is asleep. The cat is asleep. It is still and quiet.

It's been a quiet evening at home. Bob and I went to Goodwill and Eckerds and then storage to put up Christmas items after watching the Titans lose their game. We ate dinner at Cracker Barrel, drove around the McKays Mills area awhile, and got home relatively early, even though the real time - 6 pm - felt like 8 pm.

I wonder if the way I spent the evening is indicative of the way 2007 will go. Hopefully I just closed out 2006. As Bob got out of the car at the house, he apparently stepped in dog poop. That fact was discovered after he walked into the bedroom, hall, living room, and finally kitchen, where I pointed out the "piles" he was leaving. (And need I say that I reminded him of how I always tell him to take his shoes off when he comes in from outside?!?!) I then spent the evening in my pajamas cleaning the carpet, moving the big fan around so the carpet would dry faster, and vacuuming. The cat did not know WHAT to do or where to go. And Bob being the helper he is at these times, was on the sofa in the sunroom, watching the football game! He fell asleep, waking in time to say "Happy New Year" and then going to bed in the bedroom. I celebrated by pouring me a glass of white zin, and ... here I am.

As the countdown of the last minute of 2006 began on Channel 4 (couldn't handle trying to watch Dick Clark this year), I found myself excited, and yet I wanted to cry all at the same time!?! I wasn't sorry to see 2006 go...but I am not sure I am glad to see 2007 come. I find the beginning of a brand new year kind of exciting, but it also makes me a little nervous worrying what bad things might happen. (I still think I would like to know these things ahead of time. I could prepare myself. Couldn't I? I'd like to at least know if it is going to be a good year or a bad year.) It will hold the closing of some familial chapters of life and open some new ones. Two nephews graduating from high school and starting college, and one nephew getting married.

I feel old tonight. But it is okay. I remember past New Year's Eves when we went out to celebrate. And even if we were home, we were more energetic. Every year now, it gets a little quieter, and less important to see the new year in.

A friend of mine emailed me the following from a devotional reading for the day. I liked it and will close with it:
Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made and I will bear; even I will carry and will deliver you. (Psalm 46:4)
Thus far the LORD has helped us. (1 Samuel 7:12)