Thursday, August 24, 2006


I have never been a car person. I like a nice dependable car to get around in. I like to like my car. But that's it. However, all of a sudden, I find myself wishing I had $60K or so, and I would trade in the 2 cars we have, and buy the following 3 cars.
1. Chrysler 300 - Oyster White
2. Chrysler Pacifica - Gold - 6seater as we took to Marco Island
and last but not least
3. Lime green Volkswagen convertible "bug"... black top...

I do LOVE having my convertible. It doesn't drive as smoothly as the Caddy did. But there is nothing like it on these summer evenings. Leave work, put the top down, and drive away home under the starry sky. Forget your troubles quickly... Destress mile by mile...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Bob doesn't want to read my blog...

He doesn't even want to look at it!*! And it even has Carter's picture on it! He says it's "of the devil". (Why does THAT sound familiar?) Why is it that what we don't know about, what we fear, what we don't like, we don't want to face? I LOVE to write... I used to only like writing by hand, but now it's like I can't even think to write that way. I compose on computer. Writing is like breathing for me. A great stress-reliever too. Is Bob jealous of the time I spend away from him and spend in writing? You can't take it away from me. It is part of me.

Ta-Dah! The 2006 Williamson County Fair

Bob and I went to the fair last night. The sky was overcast, threatening rain, but that made it cooler, so we decided to go. (And we did NOT want to go Friday night or Saturday.)

Bob managed to get an ear of roasted corn and I got a funnel cake in time to go flying into the amphitheater to escape the falling rain. It was Grand Ol' Opry night. LOUD is the best thing I could say about that. Plus it was SO hot in there.

Rain lets up... We walk out and about... Bob wants to see the animals. I hate the animals. Okay, sorry, God... I don't hate the animals, but they stink. There is nothing more disgusting to me than to see the animals with all their body parts hanging out for all to see, and smelling them in such a hot, closed-in place, where you are walking shoulder to shoulder with people, and moms are running strollers of screaming kids into all kinds of things, including my heels! My Granddaddy would be disappointed in me. He loved his land, and his cows. But he was raised in the country, and I am a city girl. I will have to say that the baby goats were real cute. And we saw some man shear a sheep. A young teenaged girl narrated the process. They say that shearing a sheep doesn't hurt (how would they know?!). Did you know though that you have to keep the sheep on his back while shearing, because if it gets even 1 paw down on the ground, he can stand up (and run off)? I will have to say, that I did admire God's creation when I got to the roosters. You know what a rooster looks like. Well maybe you do, and maybe you don't, because there were all colors-red, white, brown, black-even leopard-skin-like, and sizes-big and small, and some that had puffy feet, and some with plumes on their head, and on and on... Only our God could create them so different and so unique.

You know on GREEN ACRES they say "Keep Manhattan and give me that countryside"? Well Lynda says, "Keep the country and take me ocean-side!"

The Newest Terrorist Plot

There have been 23 people at this time arrested in the latest Al Queda terrorist plot... Involves Muslims and British Muslims, and Pakistanis. (Pakistan used to be a British colony!) British police doing their jobs discovered plan to take down 9 planes from London to US (New York) - United, American and Continental - men were to take liquid combustibles on the plane disguised in water, coffee, baby formula, even gels such as toothpaste, hair gel...and blow the planes up by mixing with ??? while in flight. Planes are good environments to blow things up the experts say!! "They say" they were planning for this to happen before the anniversary date of 9/11/2001.

Life changed on that eventful day, and I now believe that life will never be the same...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Luke is 4 1/2

Went with Gran to see BARNYARD last Saturday.
He was spellbound...

Important tidbit to remember for this age and stage:
Luke has learned how to pinky-swear.
Big sister Landry taught him how.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Monday's Musings

1. It was a convertible night. 92 degrees at 7 pm...but cool enough with the top down! Beautiful sunset to my right coming home, and a big white puffy cloud up ahead to the left.

2. Have I mentioned my current celebrity hunks? I think it is important for every woman to have at least a couple of these at all times. One is Anderson Cooper (CNN-360-Gloria Vanderbilt's son) and the other one is Jack (Anthony ???) on Without A Trace. Not only is he nice to look at, but he has a GREAT voice.

Over and out with these important revelations.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

My Big Mouth

Okay... there's this female person at church. I work with her, kind of...from a distance...AND she is in my SS class... For whatever reason, we didn't get off to a good start, and months later, it is only minutely better. I seem to stick my foot in my mouth every time we are together. She is beautiful...absolutely beautiful... Young (30?), long dark hair, tanned skin... like I would love to look. It's not her looks that put me off, although sometimes that happens to me. I wondered this morning, if I should just say, did you know that you are beautiful?? But I figured she would think I was even dumber than she already does! She tried to help me out once by email, only to find that I wasn't the Linda who needed help. I don't think I responded very well. (Why not?!) She is SO quiet. At our SS party, she sat at another table. Was that to get away from me? And then this morning, she helped me out with something, and along the way in the SS lesson, I then stuck my foot in my mouth...not once, but twice! What is WRONG with me? I wanted to say, could we like, start all over again? I really like you...I don't know what the problem is... Instead, I just hurry on out of the room, down the hallway, and hope that God takes my mouth over the next time...

Joys in Life

You know they say that money can't buy everything. That's true, but I would also say that you have to have ENOUGH money to live.

The older I get, the more I find joys in life. They have nothing to do with money or success or climbing a corporate ladder. I think it has to do with the fact that my big goals have been reached. I have a husband, I have children, I have a college degree, and I have a job I love. At this moment in time, I have my least most of it! :) I don't feel a rush to achieve. I find myself content in the state I am in. (Not to say that I won't go back to school at some point to get that Master's degree...!*!)

I love this time of year... I don't know if it is because my birthday is at the end of August, or because school is about to start, and I always loved school, or because fall is near, and my grandmother used to take me to get new clothes every year for my birthday/school...and I have many happy memories of those days. As I write, my husband is watching a football game LIVE on TV! While it is a little hotter and more humid than I like outside, I still love it. And there is about half a moon in the sky playing peek-a-boo in the clouds. The moon this time of year is beginning to take on the "harvest" glow, rather than the crisp white color.

Ten years ago, I would have said that the best thing in life is to wake up in the middle of the night, and find a husband you love and who loves you, there beside you. Now that he snores, that we BOTH snore, sometimes that is not always a good thing!

And so, the whole point of this just doesn't get any better than having your 4 1/2 yr old grandson come running when he sees you. Luke has done that for awhile now. At least a couple of years. It happened again yesterday. I went to watch his older sister play a soccer game. As I got to the fields, I saw Luke and his mom coming down the path from the bathrooms! Luke caught sight of me, started waving wildly, and ran as fast as his little legs would carry him toward me...even stopping along the way to take his sandals off so he could run faster. I admit I have to brace myself, because as he comes close, he jumps up in my arms... My middle-aged back, and my carpal tunnel surgically-fixed wrists don't want to support the sudden extra weight, but I wouldn't trade those short moments in time for ANYTHING in the world. I don't remember his sisters doing that at that age. It's a uniquely Luke thing, I think. A special bond between us...Treasured memories...precious times...I hope my mind stays intact so that I can recall these moments, when I need special pick-me-ups in my old age...