Tuesday, September 12, 2006


It has been a LONG time since I have blogged. I have needed to...would have helped me out, but my schedule and subsequently, my energy levels, just haven't allowed it.

Had my birthday. Only time my age will match the year I was born in this century. I came to a conclusion. Only parents can make your birthday a major event in history. Or grandparents. And oh, maybe siblings old enough to remember the day. I miss those stories my grandmother and mother told about the day I was born. You know... how Mom was in labor for 3 days because of me. And how my dad was sent out to prepare my grandmother for the first sight of me - "she has a warped head". I never really appreciated those stories when those ladies were around. But now that they aren't, and the old stories have become just that, ... it's rather quiet and sad. No one left in my life to commemorate what it was like the day I was born. No parents, no grandparents, no great aunts... Well, there is one aunt left, but her aging has left her silent. It makes me feel very old...

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